Mass tools (loading)
Templates (forms, documentation, etc)
Methodology and project piloting tools
A cost-efficient ERP template based on standard S/4HANA technology consisting of best practices, an agile but pragmatic project approach and extensive documentation. The FAST-RETAIL template accelerates ERP implementation in ambitious mid-market companies in retail and distribution looking for process excellence to sustain their growth.

- A fully functional ERP solution within SAP
- Relies on the power of SAP S/4HANA technology
- Simple interface and usage supported by Fiori applications
standard edition
contact our expert
Christofer Tison
Christofer started his career at delaware in 2010, thanks to his SAP Retail experience. Since 1998, he has focused on thoroughly analyzing processes across multiple domains and finding efficient translations of these processes to SAP ERP and S/4HANA. He is FAST-RETAIL solution owner and is also strongly involved in delivering value to customers.
Please be informed that each pricing plan provided on this website or on other media is purely indicative and not binding. The contractual terms and conditions for the use of our solutions can be requested through the contact form available on this website. This request will not constitute the conclusion of an agreement.