Series details
Covered topics:
- Why is everything so disruptive right now?
- Understanding business cycles and technological long waves
- The Two Phases of Creative Destruction
- Amara's Law and why technological change is going to speed up exponentially
- The Creative Destruction Triple Whammy - the automation of labour, knowledge work, and the whole supply chain
- Whammy 1: Automation of Labour
- Whammy 2: The Automation of Knowledge Work
- Whammy 3: The automation of the Value Chain
- The PALS Supply Chain - Personal, Automated, Local - and Sustainable
Covered topics:
- Recap - Amaras Law and the Two Phases of Creative Destruction
- Linear, Analog thinking in Exponential Digital Times
- Supply chain management in the 2020's - playing 1D chess on a 4D Board
- Why most digital transformations fail
- Is your company digitally transforming or just digitizing?
Covered topics:
- Recap: Exponential change and organisational fragility
- Why what got us here won't get us there
- Going Beyond Resilience: Why Companies Need to Become Anti-Fragile
- Anti-fragile concepts
- Becoming Anti-fragile: New Thoughtware, New Mindsets
- People-centric thinking in an Age of Machines