Chef·fe de projet digital

Microsoft, CRM, un peu d'experience, consultant·e

You’ll take on lots of responsibilities in the role of Senior Digital Project Manager:

  • As a project manager you’ll monitor your projects – are they still on track in terms of scope, budget, resources and timing? Rather than managing your projects in a spreadsheet, you’ll take a hands-on and agile approach.
  • As you understand the many different facets of the project, you’ll bridge the gap with technical consultants (on a conceptual level) and guide them to make sure the solution fits like a glove.
  • You’ll build a valuable partnership with the customer, who’ll use you as a sounding board and source of inspiration for their digital marketing projects.

delaware has its offices in Gent, Antwerpen, Wavre, Kortrijk and Lummen. The cool thing about being part of a globally recognized consultancy is that we can offer our digital marketing services to international customers as well.  



plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Mathieu Chatelet - Recruiter

Is there a match?

  • Do you have 5 years of experience managing web and e-commerce projects? 
  • We’re a self-organizing, multidisciplinary team, so Scrum is the way to go. Have you applied this methodology before? Awesome!
  • Although you’re not strictly a techie, you are very ‘tech savvy’. We primarily operate within a .NET reality (Sitecore, Optimizely), so any experience with that would be a nice-to-have.
  • Within a digital context, you are familiar with defining concepts, wire-framing, design, user stories, development, go-live and ‘post-go-live’ support.
  • Thanks to your product mindset you’ve learned all about the product’s functionalities and know exactly how to mold it into the perfect solution, tailored to the customer’s wants and needs. 
  • In addition, you’re an understanding, yet assertive decision-maker. You’ll say things as they are.  
  • Can you express yourself equally well in both Dutch and English? Knowledge of French is a plus!
  • Are you willing to get your hands dirty? To us, a good project manager is part of the solution, not of the problem. Rather than slowing things down, you’re the one that makes it happen.

Let's meet up!

Want to discover more? You can find out more about us on the delaware | digital website and our blog. You can get a sense of what it’s like to work for us here, but we’re even nicer in real life!

Are you keen to help us grow our Omnichannel Experience team? Click the Apply Now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.

notre jobs

processus de recrutement

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stratégie de rémunération