Senior SuccessFactors Consultant

SAP, RH technology, un peu d'experience, consultant·e

As a SuccessFactors Consultant you help companies to provide optimal support to their key asset: their employees. But that’s often more complex than it seems. The HR department juggles a thousand and one tasks every day, which can make it difficult to innovate and change.

That’s why we regard it as our mission to support HR departments in transforming their HR processes. The implementation of state-of-the-art applications can dramatically reduce the workload and help the entire organization to allow its most important capital – the people that work there – to perform and grow to the full. That’s good not only for the company, but also for the employees themselves.

Therefore, our projects generally focus on the big picture and we always go for the ‘full monty’: a complete upgrade of all HR processes.

Are you keen to work with us to make our customers even more successful?

Vous avez ce qu’il faut pour devenir consultant·e SuccessFactors chez delaware ?

Does the profile below fit you like a glove? If so, we’d like to get to know you better.

  • As an experienced SuccessFactors Consultant you’ve already successfully completed various projects.
  • You’re familiar with the ABC of being a good consultant: you analyze the situation, identify the business needs and configure the system.
  • You gain an in-depth understanding of your client and their specific needs before translating your insights into a tailor-made solution within SAP SuccessFactors.
  • You know the ‘ins and outs’ of the whole range of HR processes, ideally within a variety of different industries.
  • You don’t settle for the status quo; you immediately advise your client on how certain processes can be optimized. After all, as a consultant, you’re constantly striving to take your customer’s performance to the next level.
  • You’re trained and certified in one or more SAP SuccessFactors applications and, needless to say, you closely monitor all evolutions within your domain.
  • You take a leading role in your projects, which also puts you in an excellent position to supervise and coach less-experienced colleagues.
  • Your experience and leadership qualities will also come in very useful in the further expansion of our ‘SuccessFactors service desk’: a helpdesk which supports our clients in optimally utilizing SuccessFactors. We’re happy to integrate your ambitious plans with our ambitious objectives.
  • Our projects and our customers are located throughout the whole of Belgium and in every industry. In other words, there will be plenty of variety, including in terms of your working environment. The only way to truly get to know your customers is to spend a lot of time with them, which is why most SuccessFactors colleagues work client-side 3 to 4 days a week.
  • There are also opportunities to work on international projects – if you’re interested, of course. Many of our colleagues find international experience especially stimulating. Do you feel the same?
  • Are you fluent in Dutch or French and English?

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Laura Torres - Recruiter

Ce que nous pouvons vous offrir

  • Does the profile below fit you like a glove? If so, we’d like to get to know you better.

  • As an experienced SuccessFactors Consultant you’ve already successfully completed various projects.
  • You’re familiar with the ABC of being a good consultant: you analyze the situation, identify the business needs and configure the system.
  • You gain an in-depth understanding of your client and their specific needs before translating your insights into a tailor-made solution within SAP SuccessFactors.
  • You know the ‘ins and outs’ of the whole range of HR processes, ideally within a variety of different industries.
  • You don’t settle for the status quo; you immediately advise your client on how certain processes can be optimized. After all, as a consultant, you’re constantly striving to take your customer’s performance to the next level.
  • You’re trained and certified in one or more SAP SuccessFactors applications and, needless to say, you closely monitor all evolutions within your domain.
  • You take a leading role in your projects, which also puts you in an excellent position to supervise and coach less-experienced colleagues.
  • Your experience and leadership qualities will also come in very useful in the further expansion of our ‘SuccessFactors service desk’: a helpdesk which supports our clients in optimally utilizing SuccessFactors. We’re happy to integrate your ambitious plans with our ambitious objectives.
  • Our projects and our customers are located throughout the whole of Belgium and in every industry. In other words, there will be plenty of variety, including in terms of your working environment. The only way to truly get to know your customers is to spend a lot of time with them, which is why most SuccessFactors colleagues work client-side 3 to 4 days a week.
  • There are also opportunities to work on international projects – if you’re interested, of course. Many of our colleagues find international experience especially stimulating. Do you feel the same?
  • Are you fluent in Dutch or French and English?

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ?

You can find out more about us on our website.

Are you keen to help us grow our HR technology team? Click the Apply Now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

Is there anything that we forgot to tell you? Do you have questions about this vacancy or in general? Please feel free to contact us by e-mail, we really want to hear from you!

*delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.

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