SAP Global Trade Services Consultant

SAP, finance, un peu d'experience, consultant·e

In a globalized world, a growing web of regulations and duties makes moving goods a complex and costly process.

Over the years, we’ve noticed that the compliance burden has shifted onto businesses; as an SAP Global Trade Services (GTS) consultant at delaware, you will help alleviate that burden.

Thanks to a number of successful projects at big-name companies, delaware has become an expert in global trade processes. We help companies to take an intelligent approach to managing their international trade activities, by implementing cutting-edge technologies. In fact, we believe that global trade is about lifting the barriers to international success. 

There’s a small (but growing!) Compliance team looking forward to welcoming a dedicated and professional SAP GTS consultant. Could that be you? 

What will you be doing?

Global trade management systems helps companies to stay on top of international trade regulations – but where does that put you? Let’s have a look:

  • As an SAP GTS consultant, you do your utmost to bring every GTS implementation project to a successful conclusion. You guide the customer through the entire process, from A to Z:
    • First, it’s time to take a deep dive into the customer’s trade processes: you’ll analyze the inbound and outbound logistics flows.
    • In close collaboration with the customer, you’ll learn all about the specific requirements inherent to their business environment or industry.
    •  After analyzing the processes, you’ll translate them into SAP GTS. You set up the system and organize workshops to teach end users how to use their brand new solution.
    • If extra programming is necessary, you’ll write the specifications. Needless to say, you follow the development carefully and test everything thoroughly before it is released to users.
    • This also entails supervising the user testing and making adjustments as needed.
    • You’ll make sure your customers are well prepared for a successful go-live: a tense phase in which you’ll play an important role.  
  • After implementation, you’ll provide support and guidance and identify possible process improvements.
  • At the same time, you’ll support the customer to ensure the constantly changing international regulations are addressed – that’s what compliance management is all about.
  • You’ll be automating the global trade transactions of multiple international companies – delaware is proud to have built a diverse client portfolio across various industries.
  • This means that there are opportunities to work on international projects as well. By travelling abroad you’ll build up that international experience at the customer’s site. 

Today, we have offices in Gent, Antwerpen, Wavre, Kortrijk and Lummen, but you will often be working onsite at our customers, wherever they are in Belgium. So it does not really matter whether you are living in Limburg, Brussel, Gent, Brugge, Antwerpen ... It is highly likely we are implementing an SAP GTS solution in your area right now!


plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Bengte Baert - Recruiter

Who are we?

delaware is an international key player in the fields of consultancy and business software package implementation services. We are the current market leader in Belgium when it comes to SAP implementation, active in a wide range of industries (manufacturing, pharma, chemicals, food, and more).    
As #peopleofdelaware, our teams truly put our core values into practice: we take care of our employees and customers, we are committed, enterprising and respectful, and do everything in a positive team spirit
delaware Belux has its offices in Ghent, Antwerp, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège, Wavre, and Luxemburg, but we also spend time working together at our customers’ site. We believe that a good balance consists in at least a half-time onsite at one of the office or at the customer’s combined with some home-working.         

Is there a match?

Now that you know what you’ll be doing on a daily basis, let’s see if you can check some of the boxes below: 

  • Do you have at least 2 years of experience in global trade processes? Not sure? Here’s some clarification: Are you a transport manager with sound knowledge of supply chain and distribution flows? Or do you have experience in customs declarations, foreign trade, legal control or import and export declarations? Those are some interesting starting points for this job!
  • Seen from a functional perspective, do you have hands-on experience working with SAP GTS, either as an end user, a key user or as a consultant?
  • You were previously involved in full project implementations? Great! That means you know how important it is to be able to work both autonomously and as part of a team.
  • During those projects, did you by any chance come across SAP Sales and Distribution? Any hands-on experience with SAP and the integration between SAP and Customs would be a definite advantage.
  • An SAP GTS implementation not only requires a change in processes, but also in mindset – Are you able to listen carefully to the customer’s needs, communicate those to your team and translate them into a solution?
  • Speaking of communication: Can you express yourself easily in English and Dutch or French?
  • And last but not least, do our company values appeal to you? We take care of our employees and customers, we are committed, enterprising and respectful, and we do everything based on a sense of positive team spirit.

 Quite the list, isn’t it? Even if you could not check all of the boxes, we’d still love to hear from you.

Let's meet up!

Read more about delaware’s view on global trade on this page.

You can find out more about us on our website and blog. You can get a sense of what it’s like to work for us here, but we’re even nicer in real life!

 Are you keen to help us grow our Compliance team? Click the Apply Now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon.

Is there anything that we forgot to tell you? Do you have questions about this vacancy or in general? Please feel free to contact us by e-mail. We really want to hear from you.

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners. 

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