DBE blank job profile

Microsoft, finance, un peu d'experience, consultant·e

On the crossroads between sustainability and technology

Sustainability is a growing societal concern, impacting consumers and shaping the priorities of our customers. As a Sustainability Consultant at delaware, you can help these priorities take form. In this role, your main focus will be to optimize the sustainability efforts of clients through tools and digital solutions. With your (growing) interest in a greener world and technological solutions, you’ll fit right in with the #peopleofdelaware

What will you be doing?

You’ll be a first-generation sustainability tooling expert. That means there is still a lot of room for experimentation and growth. You’re eager to dive deeper into sustainability than you ever have to become the bridge between EU regulations and unique tooling solutions.

Be it capturing their corporate and product footprint, implementing emission calculators or diving into their ESG reporting requirements or other challenges – clients count on you to make the translation from strategy to implementation.

Your project flow will include

  • Figuring out the customer’s needs and documenting them
  • Setting up the configuration of the tooling
  • Performing unit testing & integration testing
  • Conducting key user workshop
  • Go-live and hypercare support

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Mathieu Chatelet - Recruiter

Who are we?

oin the #peopleofdelaware

In our Sustainability Team, you’ll have people from different knowledge domains all working on sustainability projects, sharing practical knowledge with each other.

We work where we work best, when we work best. delaware has its offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Liège, Lummen, and Wavre. But it’s important to note you’ll also spend a lot of time on the road, connecting and working together with customers on-site.

Is there a match?

Sustainability might not be new, but data-driven tools are. That means your curiosity is your biggest asset in this job. You will go look for information yourself, attending workshops and events about the subject as well. There is no manual –  your passion for technological solutions and sustainability are your guide.

On top of that

  • having 3 to 4 years of functional experience within SAP or Dynamics, is a requirement
  • having certifications in sustainability or SAP BTP is a plus, but not a requirement
  • having some business process knowledge and / or analytics knowledge is required
  • having profound knowledge on sustainability topics is a plus

Let's meet up!

Interested in becoming our Sustainability Consultant?

We’re excited to meet you. Connect with us to talk more about the job, your talents, track record and your future with the #peopleofdelaware!

Click the apply button somewhere over here ➡️ or up there ⬆️

* delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.

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